When we aim to gain total immunity then working on physical immunity is just a part of it.
Total Immunity = Physical Immunity + Psychological Immunity
- Physical Immunity is the Body’s Ability to resist diseases and toxin
- Psychological Immunity is our Mind’s ability to resist diseases, remove emotional toxins and provide the strength to endure the emotional roller coaster.
Let’s see how physical immunity and psychological immunity are interconnected. Well, our mind and body are the two sides of the same coin. Effect on one would have a similar effect on the other side and at the end of the day, it is the coin i.e. “YOU”, will be the one suffering. Together they have the ability to make us whole. Hence, it’s extremely important that the two sides are in harmony and equally balanced for your well-being.
Immunity is the centerpiece of our health till now we have been told to focus on our physical immunity and have not bothered to move beyond our physical health and focus on our mental health.
However, with time we are slowly realizing how mental pathogens are equally at play when we talk about diseases. These pathogens are caused by negative emotions like jealousy, fear, hatred, anger, frustration to name a few. The worst part of this that emotional toxicity is equally contagiously as a physical one.
Let’s see a situation which you must have faced at some point in your life when you come across a person who was feeling low and toxic on a particular day and by spending time with them their energy rubbed off on you. Thereby, the day that started for you on a positive note ended up being filled with negative emotions. You are not alone to be in such a negative situation, being a spiritually inclined person I have surely felt it myself at some point in my life.
Well, this is the classic example of how contagious emotions can be. In fact, emotions are even more contagious than physically manifested diseases. Also, it has been scientifically proven that psychological states such as anxiety, depression, grief, and pain tend to reduce our immunity thereby making us fall sick.
- Physical immunity: For boosting physical immunity we need to focus on our body and follow mindful eating, exercising, yoga, pranayama, and take supplements from natural sources
- Psychological immunity: You can boost psychological immunity by incorporating the following in your daily life
- Meditation
- Inculcate activities that boost the feeling of self-reliance, self-love, self-motivation, and self-worth
- Work on the ability to acknowledge, express, and embrace our emotions without the fear of being judged. I have seen a lot of parents say boys don’t cry or girls are not physically strong or girls are fragile. Well, this is how we stop kids from expressing and exploring their emotions. These statements seem very innocent, to begin with, but unfortunately, with time they cause a lot of emotional blockages and leads to the child’s inability to express their emotions in their adulthood. When these kids become adults, society then labels them as insensitive and emotionally weak.
- People especially in developing countries treat IQ (Intelligence Quotient) as way more important than EQ (Emotional Quotient). I hate to break it to you but our EQ is actually way more important than our IQ. Since, EQ includes when to say, what to say and in which manner such that one can express themselves without hurting anyone.
- Emotional resilience: Well the resilience within you can help you bounce back from any negative situation in your life
These conscious efforts and mindful thinking might sound like an effort in the beginning but when practiced consciously they become a part of your life and comes naturally from within.
This will not only make you emotionally and mentally strong but will also help you to deal with issues related to self-worth, self-esteem, self-respect, and self-awareness. Wherein you will not seek someone else’s validation to judge your worth. With the very onset of this belief in yourself, you will stop falling prey to physical issues like anxiety and depression. Thereby enhancing your total immunity and overall health.